Npower Nigeria: Adamawa State Focal Officer

Adamawa State Focal Officer Name and Phone Number

For security reasons we've removed the personal phone numbers of State Focal Persons. Npower Abuja office is making efforts to ensure that all volunteers are paid. 

If you're from Adamawa State, or you're currently undergoing your npower programme in Adamawa, we've gotten the name and phone number of your Focal Officer.

In Case You Missed It: Check 10 Business Ideas Npower Volunteers Can Do With Their Monthly Stipend 

In our earlier post,  we emphasized the need to call when ONLY you have npower related issues. It's not advisable to call your state focal officer outside npower issue. And make sure you abide by the official call hours and days.

Check the Full List of Phone Number of Each State Focal Officer

Mention your state right here and we'll mention the name and contact details of state focal person.


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