Npower Nigeria: Cross River State Focal Officer's phone number

For security and privacy reasons,  we've removed the phone number of state focal person.

Initially we wanted to publish contact details of state focal officers for Npower alphabetically, but from now on we'll be publishing it based on request.

One of the Npower Volunteers in Cross River State, Imaobong Enang.

In case you are finding it impossible to get across to Npower Team in Abuja, then it's better you call your state focal officer.

Your state officer is Nkoyo Toyo. 

In Case You Missed It: Check 10 Business Ideas Npower Volunteers Can Do With Their Monthly Stipend 

CAUTION :Only call on working days and hours. Please don't invade their privacy by calling at late hours or when your state focal person is still in bed.

They only entertain issues that related to Npower. And make sure you put things right before calling state focal person for assistance. Better still, make sure you play your own part by correcting your details before putting calls across to state focal person.

You must be aware of the fact that they're not in position to edit your profile for you, in case you have errors in your NPVN PORTAL.

Call Cross River State Focal Officer Nkoyo Toyo

Check the Full List of Phone Number of Each State Focal Officer 

Or use the hashtag #NpowerFocalOfficer to get other state coordinators.

How's npower programme in your state?


Facebook Group: NpowerNG Solutions 

Twitter: @NpowerngS


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